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Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Tyler and Corey shared Einstein's riddle with us yesterday.  We liked that one, so Mrs Bismark found some more for us.  Here is the one we did today:

The Frog Leap Brainteaser
Put each frog on its own rock. Put the three green frogs on the rocks on the left and the three brown frogs on the rocks on the right. There must be an empty rock in the middle  like this:

green frog - green frog - green frog - empty rock - brown frog - brown frog - brown frog

See how quickly you can switch the frogs to the opposite side of the pond.

Green frogs can only hop to the right. Brown frogs can only hop to the left. Frogs can only jump onto an empty rock. A frog can jump over one frog to an empty rock—but only over one.

Frogs cannot jump back, only forward. It’s easy to tell which way they can go—they face the way they want to jump.

If you get stuck and your frogs can’t jump anywhere, move them back to where they started and try again.

When all the frogs have reached the other side of the pond, you win!

Well done to Ella, Teigan, and Corey who solved this problem after a lot of perservering and planning of moves.

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha! Great riddle! I love doing them, and sat down with Corey and Tyler to do Einsteins Riddle. It took us about 40 minutes to solve - and we then googled to check we got the right answer. We did!!
