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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

'Pens and Pencils' - Hairy Maclarys Reading Group Activity

Annabelle, Archie, Jordan, Shayde, and Tessa have a go with the dip pen.  They had to be super careful not to get too much ink on the nib as it makes big splotches on the page!

The Hairy Maclarys reading group have been focusing on a non-fiction book 'Pens and Pencils'.  In the book it asks the reader:
"What do you write with at school?  You might use pencils, pens, chalk, or crayons.  But what did students use in the olden days?"

The first chapter is about slates and slate pencils that were used over 100 years ago.  We thought it was neat how each student got their own slate.  

The second chapter was the one we liked the most, as it was about dip pens.  A dip pen was made of wood and had a metal nib that was dipped into an inkwell in each student's desk, full of ink. I had a dip pen at home, so I brought it along to school to let the students have a go with it.  My one is made of glass and it has three metal nibs that go with it.

Do you think you would like to write with a dip pen all the time?  Why or why not?


  1. Was it fun writing with the dip pen.

  2. Did you like writing with the dip pens?

    And did you find out when dip pens were useful for writing with?

    what other things did you findout reading the book
