Today we made salt dough Christmas decorations as part of a financial literacy activity. Tomorrow we are going to paint and decorate them. We are going to sell them at Agricultural Day on Saturday 13th November to raise money for our end of year trip.
Tyrone, Ryan, and Corey measure out the flour
Charlotte and Jordan took the baking tray to the kitchen
If you would like to try making your own salt dough, follow the recipe below:
Salt Dough Christmas DecorationsIngredients• 4 cups of flour
• 2 cups of salt
• 4 teaspoons cooking oil
• 2 cups of water
Equipment• Mixing Bowl
• Board
• Cutter shapes
• Rolling Pin
• Ribbon
• Paint
• Kebab Skewer (to make hole for ribbon)
Method1. Mix together the flour, salt and cooking oil in a bowl using your fingers
2. Knead the dough until it is smooth
3. Roll dough out and shape it into shape required
4. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 120 degrees for about 3 hours until firm