We are an amazing bunch of Year 1 and 2 learners in Room One at Tokomaru School. We'd love to hear from you so please leave a comment about our learning.

Starting School

As your child heads for birthday number five, school becomes an important topic.  Is our child ready for school?  Which school?  What is the teacher like?

A positive start to school life is vital for future success.  With a little preparation you can ensure your child is ready to face the new opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

We welcome you to Tokomaru School and invite you to take advantage of the 'open door' policy we have.  We work hard to ensure that each child has a successful transition to school, giving them the best possible start.


Pre-enrolling your child is quick and easy.  All you need to do is contact Sonia Mudgway (our Principal) or Christine Earle (our Office Manager) and ask for your child to be put on the pre-enrolment list.  You will be asked for their full name, date of birth and contact phone number and address.  Pre-enrolling your child means we know they are coming and can be prepared for their arrival.  If your pre-enrolment is delayed we will work with you to ensure a smooth entry to school.

Tokomaru Early Childhood Centre

Transition connections are made through buddy reading and jump jam sessions every second Friday at Tokomaru School, as well as participation in our school Ag Day and other incidental events and visits.  Room 2 visits the Early Childhood Centre at least once a term as well.

Transition Sessions/Pre-visits

Transition sessions are periods in the classroom which we encourage your child to attend before they turn 5, in readiness for starting school.

If you are on the pre-enrolment list, about six weeks before your child is due to start school, Mrs Mel Bismark (Deputy Principal and Teacher) will make contact and organise a series of visits with you. There are at least four visits - actual time and duration is arranged in consultation with you and depends on the needs of your child.

If your child starts school and their 5th birthday is before 1st July, they are classified as Year 1.  If your child starts on July 1st or later, they are classified as Year 0.

The first day at school as a five year old

What do I need to bring and do?

When your child turns 5 and arrives for their first day at school, you will need to fill in the school enrolment form.  Our Office Manager Christine can help you with this.

You will need to bring a copy of your child's birth certificate so that we can verify the date of birth. We are also required to maintain a register of immunisation status for all children, so you will need to bring your child's immunisation certificate.  If you do not have one you can get it from your GP.

It is preferable for children to have their stationery on the day that they start (lists can be obtained from the office).  Children should have their brain food, morning tea, lunch, and a drink.  We have a school pool that is used for the first 6 weeks of school so your child will need togs, a towel, and goggles if required.

We provide a school hat and sunscreen during the summer months at school.

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